Chemical in Food Packaging, Fabric Coatings Linked to Cancer

Why are all these toxic chemicals, linked to disease allowed to surround us?  It seems this is a Convenience chemical and it is killing us.   3 more years until phase out!!!  Another reminder that we have got to make our own conscious choices now and live a green life for health sake!  Let there be stains or just use clean them.  Use a non-toxic package for food or just eat whole food with no package!  Here are a few of the sentences I found interesting from the Environmental Working Group news release:

“An independent scientific panel approved by the DuPont company as part of a class action lawsuit has linked an industrial chemical known as C-8 or PFOA, whose full name is perfluorooctanoic acid, to kidney and testicular cancer in humans. Emissions of PFOA, once manufactured by DuPont to produce non-stick coatings, have polluted the water of at least nine states and the District of Columbia.  As a result of widespread pollution, PFOA and related chemicals are now found in the bodies of more than 99 percent of Americans.  People can be exposed to perfluorinated chemicals by using a variety of consumer products, including grease-resistant food packaging as well as furniture, carpets and clothing treated with stain-resistant coatings.   When ingested or inhaled, these chemicals can be converted into PFOA in the human body.  DuPont, the only current American maker of PFOA, has committed to phase out manufacture, purchase and use of the chemical by 2015. But companies overseas continue to produce and use it. U.S. law does not require that that its replacements be screened for safety for the environment and human health.”

Click Here to read the whole article.

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