Moving On…’at cost’ SALE

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After 4.5 years of selling green living products, I have decided to move on.

Thank you to YOU, my amazing customers for bringing Greenplease into your life and for your support over the years.  I am grateful to have met you and shared our greening journey’s!  I’m still passionate about helping children achieve great health naturally and am focusing my time & energy on helping this cause in other ways.

AT COST SALE:  Stock up on green living items at cost!
45% off everything (except shipping)  COUPON CODE:  movingon

Until we cross paths again, here’s to optimum health!
Melanie, “The Greenista”

Giveaway: Green Holiday Goodness

Holiday Giveaway WISH LIST GIVEAWAY!

Post your favourite healthy holiday tip, eco-friendly decoration or tradition! Include your Greenplease Wishlist below too. We are giving away the winner’s wishlist* & this year a 2nd Bonus wishlist will be given to a kids charity or daycare of the winner’s choice. (*Each Wishlist up to $75). Draw taking place Dec. 16th)

Congrats Stephen, your entry was randomly picked by my son!
Let me know your in-stock item choices and your kids charity of choice too!
Here is my Contact link:

Happy, healthy Holidays!

Give me chocolate! No-Bake Gluten-Free Squares

No Bake Chocolate square v 2Oh I am addicted to these squares!  I recall loving these as a kid!  I will eat these anytime of day.  The kids eat these for breakfast some days too.  I have been on a restricted food regime lately, including no cow milk, no sugar, no gluten.  Guess what, these squares are all within guidelines…not sure the quantity I can consume in a day is within the ‘rules’ though!  This one is so easy, I now have the recipe memorized:

1/2 cup organic butter

1/2 cup “milk”  ( I have used unsweetened almond or hemp or rice milk)

1/4 cup water

1/3 cup raw cocoa

Melt all above ingredients in a pot on low/medium heat.  Remove from element.

1/2 cup organic honey

1 teaspoon vanilla

2.5 – 3 cups oats (I get the organic GF ones) (Less if you like more chocolate-y!)

Stir the honey in until melted then pop in the other 2 ingredients.

You could add some peanut butter or almond butter.  I have done this in the past but then it is not school-lunch friendly.

Smooth it all into an 8×8 glass dish with a lid and pop in the freezer.  I think it tastes better straight out of the freezer and then it is out of sight, out of mind so I eat less!!

Tell me if your family likes this one!

Celebrate Waste Reduction Week 2013

Wow! Manitobans only recycle 19% of the almost 1 million tonnes of waste each year. That is sad. Good news though, 56% of us compost now!

Celebrate October 21-27th! Let’s conserve resources, reduce waste and promote environmental education!

I discovered where to recycle obsolete electronics…Recycle My Electronics: click here.

The Manitoba Green Action Centre has lots of tips on what can be done. Sign up

The Canadian Waste Reduction Week has a great photo challenge and suggestions to reduce waste at home, school, business and community. Register at…

Making the world a healthier place for our little ones!


Optimum Health: What are you doing?

I Can Cards

I love these Louise Hay Cards!  Here is the latest one I randomly selected a few months ago when I started the newest phase of my best health journey!  It is so perfectly worded as to what I am thriving towards…Optimum Health!  I am thinking about posting blog entries about my current experience.  Not sure yet.

One thing I have found useful are coupons towards great recharging activities.  I have 3 Lifestyle Passes left that expire soon on October 31st.  I am happy to give them away so a few more people get the benefits.  Share a post about what you are doing right now to reach your optimum health.  I will randomly draw 3 names on Thanksgiving Day.

Gluten-Free / Dairy-Free Pumpkin Muffin Recipe…Still yummy!

I love pumpkin! The other day I roasted pumpkin seeds with safflower and sea salt then added them to my breakfast blueberry quinoa porridge!

This muffin recipe is school lunch-friendly too:

1 1/4 cup pumpkin purée
1/4 cup applesauce
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 cup sorghum
1/2 cup tapioca starch
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg ( or extra cinnamon)
(Optional: Sprinkle of maple syrup sugar)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Lightly grease 12 regular muffin cup-sized pan with safflower oil or use Eco muffin cup papers.
I use all organic ingredients.

In a large bowl combine the first 6 ingredients.
In another medium bowl whisk together remaining dry ingredients.
Stir into pumpkin mixture.
Spoon into prepared muffin cups to 3/4 full.
I like to sprinkle some maple syrup sugar on muffin tops. My little guy calls it icing!!).
Bake for 18-22 minutes.

Great to double and freeze the second batch too.

I found this recipe in the Winnipeg Free Press but made adjustments to be a pumpkin muffin.

Let me know if you like it!!

Celebrate Organic Week!

Organic food Week

Let’s celebrate Canada’s National Organic Week!

As you know, I am a big believer in organic foods! For great health sake, why not limit the number and amount of foreign substances entering our and our children’s bodies?  Behaviors are changing, availability and access to more varied organic foods is growing here in Winnipeg.  I have been pleasantly surprised and happy to find such foods as organic beef and organic frozen mango, organic coconut oil, organic quinoa in mainstream stores.

Let’s continue to “support a growing organic sector, transparent food source and a source of food that is sustainable in the future,” as so well said on the Organic Week website.



Win a tiffin: Go Litterless Contest!

3 tier tiffin 2013 (2)Go litterless this Fall!  Win a 3-tier tiffin for your lunch!

Post your answer:  “What yummy, healthy & organic lunch would you pack in this tiffin?”

The winner will be randomly selected next Thursday, September 26th, during Canada’s Organic Week!

Kelly you win! Your name was randomly drawn from the hat.
Yum! Do you have any favourite, child-friendly GF/DF pumpkin baking recipes you would like to share this Fall? I love pumpkin!!!
Please contact me to let me know when you can pick up your tiffin!